
A collection of articles and tutorials about Craft CMS. Reviews events such as the Dot All conferences or discusses what's new in a Craft release. There are also tips on current web technologies, Twig, and plugins.

John Henry Donovan - The Harry Potter of Web development

John Henry Donovan looks back on an eventful life as a web developer. The father of four works from a home office under a staircase. This workplace may not be the only analogy to Harry Potter; his survival in such a fast-paced industry has been equally magical.

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Foto von Thomas Sausen

Thomas Sausen

New in Craft CMS 4.4

Craft CMS 4.4 is the first major release of 2023. In this version, Pixel & Tonic focuses on improving the authoring experience and accessibility. For example, the asset indexes have received a new design.

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Foto von Thomas Sausen

Thomas Sausen

New in Craft CMS 4.3

Just over a month after Dot All 2022, the Pixel & Tonic team released Craft CMS 4.3. There is a new element index view, new condition rules, new Twig features, and improvements in a11y and user interface.
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Foto von Thomas Sausen

Thomas Sausen

Dot All 2022

Dot All 2022, the official Craft CMS conference, took place in Brooklyn, New York (USA), from September 27 to 29, 2022. The Craft community reunited in person for the first time in three years. I could not attend the 11 speeches and two workshops in person because the travel to North America was too time- and money-consuming for me.
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Foto von Thomas Sausen

Thomas Sausen

Ben Croker – Plugin Development as a Business

Interview with Ben Croker from PutYourLightsOn, about his work as a full-time plugin developer for Craft CMS. How did his career come about, what does his day-to-day work look like, and how is it financially sustainable?
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Foto von Thomas Sausen

Thomas Sausen

Why Justin Holt specializes in Craft CMS

Justin Holt is a long-time web developer with over 27 years of experience. He specializes in Craft CMS/Yii development and consulting with various agencies, businesses, and other developers worldwide. But why did he choose Craft CMS, and what does he like about the Community?
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Foto von Thomas Sausen

Thomas Sausen